For many, understanding every aspect of personal finance can be daunting. From investments to retirement to insurance, the decisions can be overwhelming.
That's where a financial advisor comes in.
Whether you have significant assets to manage—or if you are just starting to accumulate wealth—we have the tools and background to provide the services that may fit your needs.
What makes one car worth $200,000 and another $20,000? Although we might all have an answer, that answer likely differs from person to person. The value of a financial advisor is similarly difficult to define. For some investors without the time, willingness, or ability to confidently handle their financial matters, working with a financial advisor may be a matter of peace of mind: They may simply prefer to spend their time doing something—anything—else. Maybe they feel overwhelmed by product choices in the fund industry, where even the number of choices for the new product on the block—ETFs—exceeds 1,000. For these investors, using an advisor is an easy decision. For more knowledgeable investors, an advisor can serve as as an emotional buffer to remind you of what you already know, but are struggling emotionally to perform. An advisor can "talk you off the ledge", as it were.
While impossible to measure, in this context the value of a financial advisor is very real to clients. The overwhelming majority of mutual fund assets are advised, so investors have already indicated that they strongly value professional investment advice. We don't need to see oxygen to feel its benefits.
Look at it this way. Investors who prepare their own tax returns have probably wondered whether a professional like a CPA might do a better job. Are you really saving money by doing your own tax return, or might a CPA save you from paying more tax than necessary? Would you not use a CPA just because he or she couldn't tell you in advance how much you would save in taxes? If you believe a professional can add value, you see value, even if the value can't be well measured in advance. The same reasoning applies to other household services that we pay for— such as painting, house cleaning, or landscaping. We do not necessarily expect to profit from using these services, but see the value through emotional, rather than financial, means. You may well be able to wield a paint brush, but you might want to spend your limited free time doing something else. Or, maybe like many of us, you suspect that a professional painter will do a better job. Value is in the eye of the beholder.