where the multi-legged chair rules all!

It is odd that a piece of furniture would be the guiding symbol for a wealth advisory firm, but Proverbi Capital Advisors has never claimed to be your ordinary investment management firm.

We feel that the multi-legged chair is the perfect representation of a more stable and well diversified investment portfolio.

Most investors only have two or three "legs" in their investment allocation....we think investors should have 8, 10, 12 or even 15 different legs supporting their investments.

This style and type of diversification is the core of our investment philosophy.

Give us a call to learn more about our uncommon approach and how it can benefit your situation.

We look forward to helping you plan your future!

Our Client Bill of Rights

Quality of Service   You have the right to receive consistent excellent service in a manner that encourages you to recommend me to others, knowing that I will treat your referrals with the same high level of proactive, courteous service.

Experienced Advisor   You have the right to work with an experienced, dependable, advisor who truly cares for your well-being, listens to your concerns, and understands your values and goals. Your best interests will always come first.

Unlimited Questions  You have the right to unlimited phone calls, emails, texts or any other form of communication you choose if you have questions. We work for you-so reach out if you have a need

Recommendations Based on Your Needs  You have the right to independent, appropriate advice and recommendations based on your defined values, needs, and objectives, as well as other considerations including individual risk tolerance and liquid net worth.

Confidentiality and Safety  You have the right to the strictest levels of confidentiality and safety with the personal information provided to us. We will protect your information to the highest standards outlined by Proverbi Capital Advisors and FINRA.

Consistent and Timely Reviews  You have the right to meet with us face to face on designated intervals to review your accounts and ask any questions you may have. You have the right to a pre-set agenda at these meetings, and the right to a letter from me reviewing each of our responsibilities from the meeting. You have a right to a phone call within 48 hours of our meeting where we confirm that we have done all the things we agreed to do at that meeting, or if a longer term responsibility, a status update.

Transparency  You have the right to a transparent relationship and to clearly know the costs for portfolio management, transactions, and advisory services. If you have a question, it is our duty to respond in an understandable way.

Prompt Response  You have a right to a prompt response from your advisor. We will be available to answer the questions that matter to you as they arise, and commit to returning all calls by the end of the next business day. Should your request require additional research, we will set a clearly defined time-frame to meet your expectations.

Timely Communication  You have a right to receive communications from us in a timely manner. We will prepare reports that clearly identify all account positions, and present comprehensive portfolio reviews annually, or as often as necessary. Our goal is to provide you with timely information before the question arises. 

Professional Competence  You have the right to sound financial advice from a competent professional. We are committed to professional continuing education and select national conferences to stay abreast of new opportunities, regulatory changes, and industry best-practices with respect to wealth management, estate planning, and values-based strategies. 

Pete Piccoli, CRPC

President/Advisor/ Portfolio Manager

Andrea Hall

President/ New Vision Investment Strategies

Integrity — Integrity is the foundation of every long-term relationship. We are committed to operating with honesty, character and conviction. 

Caring — Our clients' interests always come first. We seek first to understand the needs of our clients, and present objective advice that will best address those needs.

Diligence — We work hard to pursue excellence in everything we do, from conducting independent investment manager research and oversight to delivering the highest quality client service.

Stewardship — As your advisor, it is our role to offer you sound financial advice to empower you to make wise choices with the resources entrusted to you.


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There are certainly a lot of financial advisors out there. While most advisors bring integrity and skill to the table, the sad fact is that many of them may not have your best interest at heart. How can you tell which advisor is a good fit for you?? While this is certainly not a complete list, there are a few things we personally feel are important to learn about any advisor you decide to use-things like the necessary licenses to do everything they need to do, a clean compliance record, their method of doing business, and their willingness to let their clients speak to new prospects. Here are some things to review with a potential new advisor: 

  1. A true advisor holds the necessary licenses. Obviously, an insurance license isn't enough. A real advisor will need some sort of license from FINRA. The most common are FINRA Series 6,7, 63, 65, or 66. If an "advisor" only has a Series 6, he is legally limited to only using investment vehicles such as mutual funds and annuities. Why limit yourself-it only makes sense to use the full spectrum of products available. Additionally, if he is managing your money for an advisory fee, he will need to hold the Series 63 and 65 (or the Series 66 which combines these two). Pete has Series 63 and 65 licenses as an RIA.  Without these licenses, you will be paying a commission to buy your financial products.  Is that what you really want?
  2. What secrets does your advisor have? All legally required licenses are issued to representatives thru the Financial Industry Regulatory Agency, or FINRA. FINRA has a website where you can do a free background check on any advisor holding a FINRA license. Effective June 6, 2016 all websites for FINRA licensed reps must have a link to their broker check on the first page of their website. Click on it, and get the detailed report, as it will show you the advisor's work history, licenses held, the scores on those license exams, and most importantly any complaint issued against that advisor, regardless of whether they were at fault or not. If they were charged with a securities violation, the results and any penalties will be there for your perusal. If the link isn't there? Well.................
  3. You should also seek out an advisor who is committed to using the fiduciary standard with their clients rather than the suitability standard.   What is the difference? An advisor using the suitability standard merely has to show that the investment recommendation they make is suitable for the client. Let's say two products are suitable for a client. Product A is 90% suitable for the client and but pays $XXX revenue to the advisor. Product B meets 100% of the client's needs, but pays a fraction of the revenue that Product A pays. The suitability standard will allow that advisor to recommend Product A. The fiduciary standard FORCES that advisor to recommend Product B. Which standard would YOU prefer to be dealing with??? Remember that Proverbi Capital Advisors is a registered RIA and is not only committed to, but legally required to serve YOUR best interests in every recommendation.
  4. Ask lots and lots and lots of questions. Does the advisor have references he can give you? Does the advisor have a Client Bill of Rights?  Is he willing to share the actual compensation he will earn from your business? Are the fees to manage your account transparent? There is no question too silly or insignificant when you are talking about your wealth.  If it pops into your head, ask it. And ask it again if we don't answer it to you satisfaction.

Use some common sense and trust your gut instinct. It's usually correct!!!

For many, understanding every aspect of personal finance can be daunting. From investments to retirement to insurance, the decisions can be overwhelming.

That's where a financial advisor comes in.

Whether you have significant assets to manage—or if you are just starting to accumulate wealth—we have the tools and background to provide the services that may fit your needs.

What makes one car worth $200,000 and another $20,000? Although we might all have an answer, that answer likely differs from person to person. The value of a financial advisor is similarly difficult to define. For some investors without the time, willingness, or ability to confidently handle their financial matters, working with a financial advisor may be a matter of peace of mind: They may simply prefer to spend their time doing something—anything—else. Maybe they feel overwhelmed by product choices in the fund industry, where even the number of choices for the new product on the block—ETFs—exceeds 1,000. For these investors, using an advisor is an easy decision. For more knowledgeable investors, an advisor can serve as as an emotional buffer to remind you of what you already know, but are struggling emotionally to perform. An advisor can "talk you off the ledge", as it were.

While impossible to measure, in this context the value of a financial advisor is very real to clients. The overwhelming majority of mutual fund assets are advised, so investors have already indicated that they strongly value professional investment advice. We don't need to see oxygen to feel its benefits.

Look at it this way. Investors who prepare their own tax returns have probably wondered whether a professional like a CPA might do a better job. Are you really saving money by doing your own tax return, or might a CPA save you from paying more tax than necessary? Would you not use a CPA just because he or she couldn't tell you in advance how much you would save in taxes? If you believe a professional can add value, you see value, even if the value can't be well measured in advance. The same reasoning applies to other household services that we pay for— such as painting, house cleaning, or landscaping. We do not necessarily expect to profit from using these services, but see the value through emotional, rather than financial, means. You may well be able to wield a paint brush, but you might want to spend your limited free time doing something else. Or, maybe like many of us, you suspect that a professional painter will do a better job. Value is in the eye of the beholder.


There was a country song many years ago that went "I was country when country wasn't cool". Well, we were fiduciaries when being a fiduciary wasn't cool like it is today.

The easiest thing to say is that we are fiduciaries because the law mandates that all RIA's be fiduciaries. But the reality is we are fiduciaries because it's the only way to do business if you follow our stated core values. 
No, we don't think so. While fee-for-service is commonplace working with accountants and attorneys, for many it is a new experience to consider paying a service fee for financial planning services. Therefore, it is important to consider the value that an experienced advisor can bring to your life and financial strategy. Fee-based advisors are able to offer unbiased, objective advice that is not tied to the sale of any particular product, and all costs are fully transparent. And because we are an RIA, we can and usually do charge a little less than reps employed by large brokerage firms.

For those of you who like things quantified, remember you will never be recommended a product in which you pay a commission. If you invest $50,000 in something, your statement will show $50,000. If you utilize us for an advisory brokerage account, your fee will be 1% of the first $1 million dollars, and .5% of the balance above that. You will find both those numbers to be below the fee charged by most of your large investment management firms.
Wow, there's one we haven't seen before (kidding!) A financial professional is trained to listen to your concerns, identify any underlying issues, and help you find common ground. Believe me, this is very common, and usually results in a couple finding a lot more common ground then they originaly thought.
   Why should I use an Independent advisor instead of an advisor associated with a large firm?

That is a question I hear a lot, and it is a very good one. As for an answer, it breaks down to one simple thing-the arsenal of tools and services available to an independent advisor is typically much larger than that provided an advisor at a huge firm.

How do I know this? Prior to “going independent”, I worked as an advisor at three of the largest financial firms in the country. They were great places to work, and when I was there I felt pretty confident that I had all I needed to serve my clients. Of course, there were more than a handful of clients who always seemed to have a “hole” in their portfolio that my product set just really wouldn't let me fill. I shrugged it off as just one of those things you learn to deal with and tried to plug the hole as best that I could.

The biggest surprise to me when I went independent were the offerings I now had access to. Granted, some of them were pretty complex and required a good understanding of them before they could be recommended, but all of a sudden I was able to completely fill those holes in various portfolios. What was comical was the comment two of my clients made- “why didn't we ever do this before?” The answer was simple- “we didn't have the services before”.

I wondered why these huge firms I had worked at didn't have these offerings available. Frankly, it did not make a lot of sense to me. I shared that thought with a representative of one of these new products, and her answer was enlightening. She told me that her company had been trying for years to get on the platforms of these huge firms, but were repeatedly shut out. The reason was due to the complexity of the products. As she explained it, the complexity of the product made it very difficult for the compliance department of these huge firms to sufficiently train and supervise the sale of these products-so they made a decision to simply not offer them. It made sense, as a company with 10,000 representatives nationwide will almost certainly have reps of various experience and skill sets. And since protecting the company from legal actions, bad press and fines is the job of the compliance department, the decision was made accordingly to not expose them to the risks.

Does that mean that independent firms don't supervise their representatives very well? Absolutely not. Trust me, they do. But with 300-400 reps across the country, most of which tend to have many years of experience as advisors, the job is just much easier. And my clients are better off for it.

The answer is that you can, if you have enough time and knowledge, but do you really want to? Do you understand the risk levels in your investment portfolio? Are you comfortable choosing financial products? Additionally, certain investments may only be offered through a licensed financial advisor.

You must also ask yourself whether you have the discipline to develop a specific strategy and stick to it, as well as the time required to do it right. What is the opportunity cost? Could you be using that time to be moving closer to your goals and what is most important to you? An experienced advisor can provide an outside perspective to help you see things more clearly, provide a level of accountability, and save you time by ensuring that all angles of your financial picture are covered.

If you think you might like to partner with a financial professional to help you develop a strategy based on your values, coordinate the management of your investments, insurance and other financial vehicles to work together for your benefit, and free your time to focus on what's truly important to you, then working with an experienced advisor makes a lot of sense.

There is no such thing as a risk-free investment. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds can lose value, even their entire value, if market conditions sour. And even conservative, insured investments, such as certificates of deposit (CDs) carry their own kind of risk: inflation risk (more on that later). Our goal at Proverbi Capital is to help you understand these risks and how they will affect you.

Because investment risk is a given, it is up to you to understand those risks so that you can confidently decide what to do with your financial assets.
There are two broad categories of risk to consider. First, there is business risk. Business risks, or "non-systemic" risks, are any risks associated with investing in a particular product, company or industry.

The second broad category to consider is market risk. Market risk affects the overall economy or securities markets. It is the risk that an overall market decline will knock down the value of all investments, regardless of their individual strengths or weaknesses.

Here's a look at nine common types of investment risk.

Business Risks
  • Management Risk – This is inherent to a company's day-to-day operations. For example, the risk that a company's key product line is discontinued, that production costs soar or that a key executive leaves, potentially impacting the value of the company or its ability to repay its debts. These risks vary by company and sector.    
  • Credit Risk (or default risk) – The risk that a bond issuer will fail to make interest payments or to pay back your principal when your bond matures. Bonds also face a variety of other unique risks, including duration and call risk.

Market Risks
  • Sociopolitical Risk — This involves risk related to political and social events such as a terrorist attack, war, pandemic or elections that could impact financial markets. Such events, whether actual or anticipated, can affect investor attitudes and outlooks, resulting in system-wide fluctuations in stock prices.    
  • Country Risk — The risk that events in the country in which an investment is made could impact general market sentiment. This can occur when a country overhauls its government, changes its policies, or experiences social unrest or war.    
  • Currency Risk — Any change in the exchange rate between two relevant currencies can increase or reduce your investment return. You probably have exposure to currency risk if you own stock in a foreign firm or in a large U.S. company with significant foreign sales.    
  • Interest Rate Risk — This is the risk that the value of a security can fluctuate due to changes in interest rates. Interest rate changes directly affect bonds — as interest rates rise, the price of a previously issued bond falls; conversely, when interest rates fall, bond prices increase. The rationale is that a bond is a promise of a future stream of payments; an investor will offer less for a bond that pays-out at a rate lower than the rates offered in the current market. The opposite also is true.    
  • Inflation Risk (or Purchasing Power Risk) — The risk that general increases in the prices of goods and services will reduce the purchasing power of money, and likely negatively impact the value of investments. Inflation and interest rate risks are closely related as interest rates generally go up with inflation. But inflation can also be cyclical. During periods of low inflation, new bonds will likely offer lower interest rates, which may lead investors to higher-risk bonds offering higher rates.    
  • Liquidity Risk — The risk that you won't be able to buy or sell investments quickly for a price that tracks the true underlying value of the asset, or that you won't be able to sell the investment at all because of a lack of buyers in the market.    
  • Legal Remedies Risk — The risk that if you have a problem with your investment, you may not have adequate legal means to resolve it. When investing in an international market, you often have to rely on the legal measures available in that country to resolve problems. These measures may be different from the ones you may be used to in the US.

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